Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week 4 Research

The above figure is a stick figure

A box figure

A cylinder figure

All of these figures are very similar anatomically and proportionally, but the key difference is that they are all made out of different objects- sticks, boxes, and cylinders.

Week 2 Assignment

For this assignment, we drew perspective cubes from different angles- I decided to draw one from an upwards view, one from a downwards view, and then I attempted to draw a cube from an odd angle, almost like a dice rolling on the ground, as seen on the far left.

Object Drawings

These are my sketches of the dice and the boomerang-like object.

Week 1- Drawing Characters

For the first week, we drew characters with and without references. I decided to draw Isaac from Binding of Isaac from memory, while I drew Cradily, my favorite Pokemon, with a reference.